Pictured from left to right are Flo Kachurak and Kay Roddy, Membership Co-VP’s, Carol Heinzelman President, Betty Hooker, Secretary, and Phyllis Sword, Assistant financial Officer.
The young women who apply for the scholarships are outstanding. For example, the 2018 graduate scholarship winner was Jazmin Nixon Cartwright. Our graduate scholarship enabled her to complete a summer course and allowed her to graduate with an MA in Public Policy and Administration last December from Northwestern University. Jazmin’s G.P.A. was 3.98. She is employed by Carnegie Mellon University.
Carol Heinzelman, Diane Hain (from Hershey) and Betty Hooker on Capital Hill in Washington, D.C.
Enjoying our board meeting are from left to right: Phyllis Sword, Linda Collison, Donna Fulton, Linda Palmer, Suzy Hershey, Lois Conaway, Joan Beekey, Jane Long, and Arlene Martin.

York Branch members Sue Zitnick and Betty Hooker lobby with PA AAUW on Equal Pay Day
Nicolette Drescher, $3,000 AAUW York Branch Graduate Scholarship winner 2015.
Roberta Geidner, new CEO of the YWCA York, receives a check for $250 as the recipient of the 2014 AAUW “Gateway to Equity” Award. Award is presented by co-President Jan Barnes, Suzanne Robertson and Betty Hooker, State Public Policy Chair.
Anne McFeely, Laura Garmendia and Betty Hooker give students donuts with 20% cut out to represent the 20% less women make when compared to men upon college graduation. In addition, graduate and undergraduate scholarship information was handed out.
Volunteers from our branch have worked with girls in the city of York to build self esteem and instill values of caring, helping community, and valuing education.Tools to handle bullying and stress were also taught.
Pictured above, Laura Garmendia and Donna Fulton provide role models to these girls in their formative years. Other volunteers were Deb Welsh, Anne McFeely, Linda Ruppert, Martha Simms, Marion Bowman and Suzanne Robertson.
October 2011 Meeting : Marcellus Shale Report
September 2011 Meeting: A Tea & Costume of Famous Women
September 2011 Meeting: A Tea & Costume of Famous Women
Kentucky Derby Gourmet
Board members of the York Branch of the American Association of University Women for 2012-2013 are front row, left to right: Jackie Hill, Finance Officer, Suzanne Robertson and Jan Barnes, Co-Presidents, Back row: Joan Beekey, Membership V.P., Sue Zitnick, By-laws, Jane Long, AAUW Funds, Rita Meisenhelder and Darla Stover, Co-V.P. Program, Phyllis Sword, Assistant Finance Officer, and Donna Fulton, Secretary.
l. to r., Lily Ledbetter, Laura Garmendia, and Lisa Matz at National Convention, 2011
AAUW National Convention in Washington, DC – 2011
AAUW National Convention in Washington, DC – 2011
New Hope
AAUW Gourmet
AAUW Gourmet
Perkins Book Group
Six of us enjoyed the Annual Pa. AAUW meeting at Toftrees in State College.
Our Branch received the following awards: 4th place 2012 total Contribution of $4,350 to AAUW Funds, First Place contribution of $500 to Public Policy Funds, and 6th place per Capita Contribution to AAUW Funds. Carol Little and Susy Hershey were our named gift honorees. Laura Garmendia received her Woman of the Year award, and Barbara Gold the Teal Award. Barbara Rooney and I presented on Marcellus Shale and our resolution for a moratorium on drilling in State Forests and State Parks was passed unanimously. Anne McFeely was selected to serve on the State Nominating Committee from our Central district. Betty Hooker continues as Co-Chair of Public Policy on the State Board.
From l. to r. Barbare Gold, Anne McFeely, Barbara Rooney, Laura Garmendia, Suzanne Robertson and State Public Policy Chairs Peg Schmeidecke and Betty Hooker.
Following are members Anne McFeely, Linda Collision, and Jan Barnes enjoying hostessing and checking out one of our shops on the Market Faire Tour.
Pictured at AAUW York Branch’s May Banquet are three scholarship recipients.
The center recipient, is Tannisha Fuentes, our $3,000 2014 graduate recipient who will be attending Walden University for a MS in Adult Learning/ESL. On either side are our $1,000, 2013 Undergraduate Scholarship winners, Denise Dellone and on the right, Vicki Ashland.
All three are single mothers who show courage and intelligence in their academic pursuits. Denise is pursuing a degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Penn State York and Vicki is working for a degree in ESL/Special Ed at York College.